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- This version of QuarkXPress Passport is no longer valid. Contact Quark for assistance.
- QuarkXPress Passport has been damaged. Please contact Quark for assistance.
- QuarkXPress Passport has been altered. Your system may have infected the program with a virus.
- This version of QuarkXPress Passport cannot be run with this system language.
- Hardware key not found. Please Shut Down your Macintosh, install the correct hardware key, and run QuarkXPress Passport again.
- A copy of QuarkXPress Passport with serial #^ is already running on a machine named “^”.
- Too many copies of QuarkXPress Passport with serial #^ are already running.
- You are not authorized to use this program.
- This file is not a valid QuarkXPress Passport file (or has an incorrect file extension).
- QuarkXPress Passport requires System version 7.0 or greater.
- The ^ driver must be version ^ or greater.
- Cannot access the file “XPress Preferences”.
- Fatal error accessing QuarkXPress Passport temporary file (#^).
- You cannot subscribe to this picture.
- Insufficient disk space to perform this operation. Try saving your document first.
- Insufficient disk space to save your changes.
- This document cannot be opened by this version of QuarkXPress Passport.
- ^ uses fonts not installed in your system (font id #^).
- ^ uses fonts not installed in your System (possibly “^”).
- This document was built with other versions of some fonts. It will be reflowed using this system’s fonts.
- This is an old document. It must be reflowed to ensure compatibility with this version of QuarkXPress Passport.
- Hyphenation exceptions, kerning tables, or tracking information in “XPress Preferences” have changed. Document may be reflowed.
- A document cannot be longer than 2,000 pages.
- You cannot delete all pages in a document.
- Improper number or measurement.
- Number must be between ^ and ^.
- Value must be between ^ and ^.
- Value must be at least ^.
- You cannot move a page to a document with a smaller page size.
- You cannot move a page with an applied facing page master to a single-sided document.
- This would exceed the maximum spread width of 48 inches.
- This page size would cause items on page ^ to be positioned off the pasteboard.
- This page size would cause items on master page “^” to be positioned off the pasteboard.
- The item is too big to fit in this document.
- The document is too small to hold the items on the Clipboard.
- The active box is too small to hold the items on the Clipboard.
- The items currently on the Clipboard cannot be anchored in text.
- The item cannot be positioned off the pasteboard.
- The item must remain totally within its constraining box.
- The automatic text box on a master page cannot contain text.
- Margin guides cannot overlap.
- These columns are too narrow.
- This box is too small.
- This box must completely contain its constrained items.
- A text box in this group or selection has links that cannot be duplicated.
- An anchored box cannot contain an anchored box.
- You cannot link to an anchored text box.
- You cannot link a text box containing text to another text box or chain containing text.
- You cannot link text boxes across master pages or onto the pasteboard.
- You cannot group items across master pages or onto the pasteboard.
- A page prefix cannot contain more than four characters.
- The specified page range cannot be moved there.
- You cannot make that many duplicates using these offsets.
- You cannot make the duplicate using current offsets.
- Cannot find the auxiliary dictionary.
- The auxiliary dictionary is damaged.
- The auxiliary dictionary is too large to edit.
- The auxiliary dictionary is full.
- You cannot enter the wild card character in the “Change to” field.
- The minimum view scale cannot exceed the maximum.
- This font does not exist.
- This page does not exist.
- Invalid page range.
- Cannot open the printer.
- The frame is too large for this box, or the box is too small.
- The frame thickness would put this item off the pasteboard.
- The frame thickness would put this item outside its constraining box.
- You can print only to a LaserWriter with the QuarkXPress Passport demo version.
- Cannot read a TIFF file with this format (#^,^).
- Bad file format.
- This color name is already in use. Please use a different name.
- The maximum number of colors has been reached. Not all colors could be appended.
- This style sheet name is already in use. Please use a different name.
- The maximum number of style sheets has been reached. Not all style sheets could be appended.
- This keyboard equivalent is already used by another style sheet. Please use a different equivalent.
- This H&J name is already in use. Please use a different name.
- The maximum number of H&Js has been reached. Not all H&Js could be appended.
- Line must be at least ^ long.
- Badly-formed orthogonal line.
- Polygons segments cannot intersect.
- This shape contains too many points.
- This shape contains too few points.
- Signature contains an invalid page name.
- You cannot run QuarkXPress Passport on a locked volume.
- Thumbnails view is not available for master pages.
- This version of QuarkXPress Passport cannot be used with this keyboard.
- This version of “XPress Preferences” is incompatible with this version of QuarkXPress Passport.
- This document was created with a QuarkXTension that is no longer available. It may be reflowed.
- This library was created with a different type of computer. It cannot be read by QuarkXPress Passport on this computer.
- This document was created by a more recent version of QuarkXPress Passport. Text will be reflowed according to the version currently running.
- This document contains paragraphs or style sheets that require ^ hyphenation.
- Version ^ of “^” hyphenation is not available. A different version will be used.
- Document requires the QuarkXTension for “^” hyphenation. Standard hyphenation will be used.
- “^” not found.
- The maximum number of documents and libraries are already open.
- Sorry, the password entered is incorrect.
- Please reenter it.
- The date entered is not valid. Please enter a date that is after the current date and less than a year from today.
- The User and Master passwords cannot be the same.
- Please enter a password.
- Please enter an expiration date.
- Password protection has failed. Please contact Quark for assistance.
- This document cannot be opened because the “^” QuarkXTension is not present.
- This document does not contain any ^.
- You can only print from QuarkXPress Passport demo version using LaserWriter driver version 7.0 or greater.
- This page size would cause grouped or linked text items on master page “^” to be positioned off the page.
- Documents from older versions of QuarkXPress Passport may reflow.
- A version of Adobe Type Manager prior to 2.0.0 is installed. We recommend that you use at least 2.0.0.
- A version of Adobe Type Manager prior to 2.0.2 is installed. We recommend that you use at least 2.0.2.
- A version of Adobe Type Manager prior to 2.0.3 is installed. We recommend that you use at least 2.0.3.
- This disk is locked.
- The user registration information is not available.
- The user registration information has been damaged and cannot be read.
- Unable to initialize this disk.
- This disk is not blank.
- Unable to access network.
- Field can contain a maximum of ^ characters.
- Picture could not be translated properly.
- The keyboard layout you have chosen is incompatible with this version of QuarkXPress Passport. Please switch to a compatible keyboard layout.
- A total of ^ pictures could not be translated properly.
- The XTension ^ has been damaged and will be disabled.
- Too many copies of ^ with serial number ^ are already running.
- The script systems required to run this version of QuarkXPress Passport are not available.
- This script system cannot be used with this version of QuarkXPress Passport.
- Path name cannot exceed 255 characters.
- This font and its related script system cannot be used with this version of QuarkXPress Passport.
- The backup hardware key has expired.
- This document was created without ^ hyphenation, but it is now present.
- This document was created without the QuarkXTension for “^” hyphenation, but it is now present.
- Document requires the QuarkXTension for “^” hyphenation.
- The suffix .autosave is reserved for the built-in auto save feature. Please choose another name.
- The disk file for the book “^” could not be accessed. The file may be in use by somebody else.
- The maximum ^ books are already open.
- This book cannot be opened. It may be locked or on a locked volume.
- This book cannot be opened because the data in the file is damaged.
- The disk file for the book “^” cannot be found.
- Chapter “^” already exists in this book. All chapter names must be unique.
- The chapter “^” cannot be opened.
- No more chapters can be added to this book.
- This document has a section prefix that conflicts with a page range separator.
- Declared range separators are the same character.
- This page range is invalid.
- Invalid character “^”.
- Please specify a name.
- This ^ name is already in use. Please use a different name.
- The maximum number of ^ has been reached. Not all ^ could be appended.
- You cannot use this box merge command with items that have 100% overlap.
- You can only convert one line of text to a box at a time.
- All the text to be converted to a box must be in the same text box.
- Cannot turn the selected text into a box.
- Cannot turn the selected text into a box because the text has no outlines.
- This document does not have anything to append.
- These print styles cannot be imported because they were exported by a more recent version of QuarkXPress Passport.
- Endpoints are not close enough to join these lines.
- This document may not display or print correctly because the “^” QuarkXTension is not present.
- The selected chapter did not print because QuarkXPress Passport was unable to access the file.
- Unable to locate the selected list text. Try updating the list.
- You cannot merge items that would result in a zero-sized area.
- Cannot turn the selected text into a box because there is a bitmap font in the selection.
- Cannot turn the selected text into a box because ATM is not running, or there is a bitmap font in the selection.
- You cannot append from this file with this version of QuarkXPress Passport.
- Cannot check spelling for this language because the QuarkXTension for checking spelling is not present.
- An item in this group is too small.
- The selected chapter did not synchronize because QuarkXPress Passport was unable to access the file.
- The selected chapters did not synchronize because QuarkXPress Passport was unable to access the files.
- The selected chapters did not print because QuarkXPress Passport was unable to access the files.
- Missing fonts in master chapter, unable to synchronize.
- This file requires XTensions software to be read properly (#^,^).